A beautiful wedding at the København Rådhus in February.
Read MoreCopenhagen Engagement Session- Jinny and Andy
A beautiful fall engagement session along the Nyhavn and Christianshavn canals in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Read MoreMammoth Lakes Wedding- Jenna and Cameron
A beautiful wedding at Mammoth Lakes, California coordinated by the amazing people at The Events Boutique.
Read MoreA Wedding at The Mint Museum Uptown- Samantha and Chris
A beautiful wedding at the Mint Museum Uptown in Charlotte North Carolina coordinated by Something Perfect.
Read MoreA Wedding at Tivoli- Heidi and Davis
Heidi and Davis were married on a warm summer day at Gemyse by Nimb in Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen. It was a perfect bryllup filled with energy, joy and true love inside the Gemyse greenhouse. Followed by a ferris wheel ride in the park and a lush dinner in the dining room. It’s everything a fantasy Tivoli wedding ought to be.
Read MoreCaitlyn and Sabs- A Frederiksberg Wedding
A perfectly designed DIY wedding in Frederiksberg, Denmark. Everything from the flowers to their wedding rings were designed and created by the bride and groom for their courthouse wedding at the Frederiksberg Rådhus just outside the Danish capitol city of Copenhagen.
Read MoreRitu and Sune- A Copenhagen Wedding
Yes, they jumped into the harbor in their wedding clothes and it was fantastic.
Read MoreLaura and Valdemar- An Engagement in Helsingør
We’re two weeks out from the wedding and Laura and Valdemar would like some engagement photos. I train up to Helsingør where these beautiful humans take me around Fredensborg castle and take these amazing images I just had to share. Tomorrow is the wedding, I’m just so excited for them!
Read MoreMaster of Dreams
Some days I feel very lonely… most days I feel very loved. Oddly enough, the days I feel the loneliest it’s hard to remember the incredible amounts of love I receive most days… I guess this is the most important part about being human and learning how to be a grateful person. Recently my personal life has been one hell of a rollercoaster ride… The ups are as tall as the tallest building ever built and the lows are so low I could probably see the center of the Earth. Under extreme pressure to preform, stressing to keep my head above water, having people rely on me for help and resolve… I’m feeling the crunch and it’s like an egg in a vice.
Read MoreOn The Sunny Side
So what exactly is "happiness?" I see that we talk about it a lot online, among our peer groups, with our families... even my husband and I have this conversation endlessly along with other guiding topics like "how does one define success and how does that relate to our ideas of happiness?" I thought by coming to Denmark, the chronically defined land of the "happiest people,” I too would find the happiness I craved. That feeling of self sufficiency and joy. But, it's been a year now, and I still do not feel any happier than I did in California. In fact I would say that I feel slightly more frustrated and a lot more stressed.
Read MoreHolte Rådhus Bryllup | Carol og Duncan
A quaint little courthouse wedding in Holte one early morning in May.
Read MoreSunset over Nordhavn Station in Copenhagen, Denmark
The train is what unites a lot of us, it keeps us on the same level. We share the space with the wealthy, the poor, the elderly, the young... we are all the same when we ride the train and, for me, it’s one of the best parts about living in Denmark.
Read MoreA mural in the Nørrebro neighborhood, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Life is a series of choices, this we know. We chose to try, we chose to be passionate or willful, we choose to be satisfied or dissatisfied... we chose many things and sometimes we can even chose when we die. We are the authors of our own stories, sometimes we are great, successful writers with lots of wonderful stories to tell. Sometimes we aren't so great and can't barely lift pen to page... but we, regardless of hope or health, are the authors. We chose when each chapter begins and when each chapter ends and we decide how they read. Some of us deny that this is factual or will throw semantics into it but, regardless of faith and regardless of denial, we write and we chose whether to write well or to just barely get the words out.
Read MoreThe ceiling of the Lund Domkyrka in Lund, Sweden.
As artists we wake up every morning willing to put ourselves out there… taking the seeds of our soul and turning them into the flowers we share with the world. Not everyone likes your particular flower but someone else will see it, buy it and treasure it. The point isn’t to further career but to further ourselves… So what if not everyone likes what you make, be passionate anyway. It’s incredible how time, energy and effort can change the landscape of life.
Read MoreThe blooming Rapeseed fields near Køge in Denmark taken from the train.
Running Away
How do you know when you’ve found the right place? For me I’ve always had that inner longing telling me I’m not where I am suppose to be. Even when I was a young person I’ve had a wanting to get up and go and leave the past behind me. At 6 or 7 I decided to “run away” and I made it about 5 miles from my house before I was picked up by a police officer and delivered back home to my hysterical parents… I remember feeling sad that my parents were so upset and worried but I also remember thinking to myself “ok, maybe I’ll wait until I’m a little older before I do that again.”
Read MoreThe Sakura trees in bloom at Bispebjerg Cemetery, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Then There's Flowers
April is coming to a close and thus has arrived the glorious Danish spring I have heard so much about since coming here in September. The darkness that has gripped us for several months has softened its clenched fist and slowly released us into a season of delicate flowers and bright kelly green grasses… we are free from the winter, if only for a few months.
Read MoreThe beautiful wooden archways of the Copenhagen Central Station in Denmark.
A Simple Tak
It’s been 7 months since we moved… Even as I type that I can’t really believe the words. That time went by so fast… Almost like I didn't really live it, it just kind of went by and now it’s April. I think about this time last year and how I felt and what I was doing and I don’t know how I got from there to here… I just kind of blinked and it went.
Read MoreSøborg
We Regret to Inform You
The very nature of rejection is generally bad… After we are rejected, no matter what kind of denial we’re thinking about here, a person feels less than ideal. Some kinds of rejection are harder to take than others, like being refused by someone you have feelings for… honestly, I think that kind is the hardest. But there’s all kinds of rejection from friendships, community and the kind of rejection I’m currently experiencing… unemployment.
Read MoreThe Beautiful Gentofte Rådhus in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Et Gentofte Rådhus Bryllup
Right before the holidays I was called to photograph this lovely little wedding at the Gentofte Rådhus. It was simple, it was beautiful and it was the 250th wedding I've photographed in my almost 8 years as a wedding photographer. I hope it brings a bright light to this otherwise grey day here in Denmark.
Read MoreUnder the Tagensvej in Nørrebro
Into The Ny
2017 was a hard year and for many reasons beyond the current events taking place back home. This year my family has known many new, good, hard, beautiful and strange situations that can only be summed up (what I feel any way) in photos. We travelled and we cried, we laughed and we grew... but we never lost faith in ourselves and our abilities to make sound but risky decisions.
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