Could be a Coincidence

Two weeks ago the weather started to shift back to warmer days and at the same time I finally started to feel like myself again. Could be a coincidence… could also be the four teeth I finally had dug out of my jaw bone and the infection I finally cleared out of my neck. Who knows anymore. I grew up in a place where the sun rarely went anywhere for more than 6 weeks and I kind of got used to that. Here, the sun comes out more often than say Seattle or Portland but it still likes to take long breaks for weeks over the winter, and I miss it when it’s not around. I love the feeling of spring sun on my face… it truly does make me happy. So infection? Or Seasonal Depression? Or both… probably both. I’m fine now. 

So what can I update you with? Well, I guess a bit but none of it feels all that important to be honest. I had a dental emergency that took three whole weeks of my art residency at The Hive and tossed it out the window. BUT then Eva, the fantastic director at The Hive, was able to find me another three MONTHS so I essentially got a slight do-over plus some. Update felt rather unimportant. My face is better, my residency is back on track. Updated. I just didn’t think moping around online was really going to help anyone to be honest.  Also The Hive is taking applications for their next round of art residencies and I highly recommend it (applications are free and due April 12th 2025) and I am hosting a “Turn your Doodle into a Coloring Page” on March 29th.

My painting “The Beach" is up for auction at Washington State’s Artist Trust, but so far no one has bid on it and I can’t sleep thinking that possibly NO ONE WILL BID ON IT. I can’t tell you how incredibly frustrating it can be to do this whole art thing. One minute you can’t hold onto your work, the next it’s possibly too expensive? But somehow the price never changed. It’s almost like trying to be a fortune teller but without having any skills at reading people or having any idea what they like or want. Some days it feels impossible and then I’m reminded that the impossible feeling is how we got so many “learn to sell your art!” online courses and books. 

ANYWAY! Let’s say you are someone with a blank wall and a desire to own something I made (and framed, I built that sh%&) and to also contribute a fairly solid chunk to WA artists (and to spare me from utter embarrassment), here’s the link

It’s three years of my life and 3 hours of frame building for one low low bid of $1250. 

I also made the following two paintings. The first one “Find the Squirrel” is not available for printing as it was a commission and I don’t offer prints of private commissions. But the second one, “Doyle’s Rules” is available in my shop (The first in the series has already been sold). 

And lastly, how are you all doing? The world feels super heavy right now. Some days making art while it all kinda burns around me also feels really heavy… possibly pointless. But for some reason I keep waking up every day, taking that long bus ride to my studio and painting for as long as I can. Then I share my progress with you all and suddenly it doesn’t feel as pointless. It feels like I’m at least sharing what’s in my heart with the people I love and care about…. and you all give me the love back in return. I care about what you think of the stuff I make, I care about the way you think of me and what I’m choosing to do right now and I care about how all this turmoil is effecting you and your families and your friends. I think about you all often and I hope this dinky blog finds you well and remembering to rest more often than you fret. Because lately, I feel like most of us are fretting a lot and not resting enough… but that could be a coincidence.

Remember, I love ya and I’m here for you.