This is a project I've been working on for four years featuring my daughter. I call it "Adolescent Anonymous" and the outline for it's existence is simple: I wanted to share my daughter's daily life while also attempting to preserve her privacy and this is what I came up with. If you'd like to see more of these anonymous-type images please feel free to follow me on Instagram or search the hashtag #adolescentanonymous
Read MoreSøborg
We Regret to Inform You
The very nature of rejection is generally bad… After we are rejected, no matter what kind of denial we’re thinking about here, a person feels less than ideal. Some kinds of rejection are harder to take than others, like being refused by someone you have feelings for… honestly, I think that kind is the hardest. But there’s all kinds of rejection from friendships, community and the kind of rejection I’m currently experiencing… unemployment.
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Into The Ny
2017 was a hard year and for many reasons beyond the current events taking place back home. This year my family has known many new, good, hard, beautiful and strange situations that can only be summed up (what I feel any way) in photos. We travelled and we cried, we laughed and we grew... but we never lost faith in ourselves and our abilities to make sound but risky decisions.
Read MoreThis duck was crazy good.
God Jul
I came to Denmark thinking that my life would completely change and, for the most part, it has. I know that when Aaron and I were considering such a profound move away from the place we grew up, we both agreed that change was something we needed in order to move forward in our lives. As we walked to the train from our friend’s home; friends that invited us into their lives, fed us, comforted us and have been truly welcoming, our faith in this incredibly difficult decision was affirmed.
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