Could be a Coincidence

Two weeks ago the weather started to shift back to warmer days and at the same time I finally started to feel like myself again. Could be a coincidence… could also be the four teeth I finally had dug out of my jaw bone and the infection I finally cleared out of my neck. Who knows anymore. I grew up in a place where the sun rarely went anywhere for more than 6 weeks and I kind of got used to that. Here, the sun comes out more often than say Seattle or Portland but it still likes to take long breaks for weeks over the winter, and I miss it when it’s not around. I love the feeling of spring sun on my face… it truly does make me happy. So infection? Or Seasonal Depression? Or both… probably both. I’m fine now. 

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Boxcars on the Bluff

Brush on the Bluff is a free, family-friendly event that celebrates art's deep roots in nature. Each May, dozens of professional local artists set up their easels on the bluff and draw inspiration from the natural beauty around them. The public is encouraged to walk the trail, meet the artists, and observe their work.

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The Spokane Coloring Book

The Spokane Coloring Book is halfway finished and I need funding in order to get to the end, the part where it’s printed and available for purchase. I am not at all far from the end goal as I recently received some FANTASTICAL news from one of our local organizations as well as support from our local power company, Avista. I AM SO CLOSE!!! Would you please help me get this project to the end?

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